7 Ultimate Tips while Using a Wood-fired Barbecue Pizza Oven

7 Ultimate Tips while Using a Wood-fired Barbecue Pizza Oven

If you are looking for a way to impress your guests with a tasty and healthy pizza, you should definitely try making it at home. And if you want to make the best pizza, you should consider using a wood-fired barbecue pizza oven. It is a great idea to use the BBQ pizza oven because it can be used in a backyard or any other outdoor area. It is a very easy thing to make a delicious pizza at home. 

You can also make your pizza more healthy and nutritious by adding vegetables and fruits. This post offers useful tips and tricks on using a barbecue pizza oven. You will find out how to use the BBQ oven effectively and how to make your own delicious pizza.

Beginning Tips For Wood-fired Barbecue Pizza Oven

Start your fire with kindling while you work in the center of the oven floor. The crumpled-up newspaper works as well as the one-time pine wood, which is okay to use. If you want to light the fire with a cube or bundle of non-toxic fire starters, add a few pieces of hardwood on top of the kindling. If it is just to get the fire going, never add scrap wood like particleboard, plywood, or other treated wood.

Monitor Fire

To keep up a lively but not roaring flame, add a few pieces of hardwood at a time once the fire gets going. Oxygen can enter if the oven door is kept open during this phase. If you use wood that is no more than two to three inches in diameter, it will burn more quickly and help the oven heat up faster. In the center of the oven is where the fire should be.

Depending on the type of oven you have and how well it is insulated, it could take between 30 to 90 minutes to reach the desired temperature. It may take even longer for older ovens, poorly insulated ovens, and those built by hand with brick and mortar.

bbq pizza ovens

Monitor Heat Distribution

Depending on how long you want to cook and how many pizzas you want to make, how much wood you need to burn depends. Push the burning wood and embers to the left or right side of the oven, or divide between both sides, to make sure there is always at least a little bit of flame to the fire.

The owner of a pizzeria in Allerona, Italy, recommends spreading a layer of red-hot charcoal with an oven rake over the center of the oven in order to ensure an evenly heated cooking surface. If you want to heat up the cooking slab, close the door for 10 to 15 minutes and let the embers go to work.

Manage Temperature

It may be too hot to cook on your oven deck at first. A quick test can be done by tossing a handful of flour on the surface. The surface of your pizzas is too hot if the flour catches fire or burns black immediately. If you want to correct this, you can leave the oven door open for 20 minutes or so and try the flour test again. Rewarm your cooking surface with another layer of embers in the unlikely event it becomes too cool.

Use Proper Accessories

If you have a barbeque pizza oven, then you’re going to need these accessories to enjoy it. These accessories include a grill brush, a pizza peel, a pizza board, and a pizza cutter. These basic accessories will assist you in making your barbecue pizza.

Timely Clean Ups

The high temperatures of the wood-burning oven kill any germs and bacteria, so you don’t need to clean it with cleaning products. You can sweep out food spills later, as they will simply be burned to ashes. After each use, let the ash cool, and then use a metal brush to remove it from the outdoor pizza oven. You can use the cooled ash as a fertilizer in your garden after that. The pizza oven’s components can be damaged if water is thrown into the oven.

pizza oven brush

Scatter the Ashes

You can accumulate quite a pile of wood ash with a few firings. Ash can be found in a covered garbage can. If you don’t want to dump your ashes in the garbage, use at least some of them in your compost bin or garden. Experts warn against using wood ash for azaleas, rhododendrons, berries, potatoes or other plants that thrive in acidic soil, because it is rich in lime and potassium.


The pizza oven is a very versatile cooking appliance that can be used for many different dishes. It can be used for baking, roasting, grilling, and even as a pizza oven. You can easily cook all kinds of food using the BBQ oven, including pizza, meat, fish, vegetables, and even desserts. 

The BBQ oven is also very easy to use, and the best part is that it is inexpensive. But in order to achieve the best dishes, you need to use your barbeque pizza oven the right way, and for that, we have shared some tips that will help you make better use of your BBQ pizza oven.



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